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Spring Bridal Show

On one of the first true spring like days in March, Kynndal and I set up for the first bridal show of the season at the Spotswood Country Club.  With high hopes, a new approach and fabulous handouts we were prepared for the afternoon of meeting, talking and educating brides! The doors opened and the room filled with anxious, excited & blissful brides.  The past few bridal shows have had an extremely low in attendance, but not today!!!  There were more ladies than we could ever imagine to talk with, we took appointments, handed out wedding planning kits (see photos below) and booked wedding contracts! I think the girls enjoyed the “wedding libs” we used for our contact form, a different, fun approach to having them provide their information so we could keep in touch!  I was so pleased with the bridal show and how it turned out, but I could not have done it without my assistant… I am so fortunate to have a trusty sidekick, Kynndal, who has been with me since her junior year in high school!!  She knows me, the business and has a great attitude when meeting with brides and giving them (and me) advice on their wedding and photography.  THANK YOU!!  To all the brides who came out to the show, I hope you had a wonderful day and look forward to working with some of you who have booked for this year and next year!!

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